Hope you can find a way to ease the problem before the next rally! Go find a small baby. It sucks. Right now my knitting is being constrained by a little "weird thing" (a cyst or small tumor) on my eye (tear duct, actually) that’s causing limited vision and headaches. So a little tumor (or cyst) is nothing. My only advice, much like carpel and ulner tunnel, the neuropathy can also cause weakness and hand spasms, if you happen to be engaging in a little post ride "wine therapy" watch those hands on the glass… Carpal tunnel syndrome in the ankle (tarsal tunnel syndrome) can also cause similar sensations. I was tested for carpal tunnel but that was not the case. What is carpal tunnel? My hands get numb just after a few miles - thumbs and index fingers so I must have the carpel tunnel issue. 2 fingers operating well on both hands… Having degenerative arthritis in both thumbs, index fingers and wrists I can totally relate to your frustration with the ulnar neuropathy aka handlebar palsy.
I can clearly remember biking at 42 km/h on the Thousand Islands Parkway and watching you and Pato vanish into the distance ahead of me. I got that the one long distance ride I did. The ride lasted a week but the preparation was many weeks. Congratulations on your ride! Congratulations on a job well done! You do realize that some of us out here, well me, anyway, couldn’t knit four socks in that time even without ulnar neuropathy. Limiting caffeine and getting enough sleep, magnesium, and B vitamins may help as well. I was lucky enough to find a sports medicine doc who is also an avid biker and we came up with the right combination for me. Even if you find it difficult! Don’t even know if you do that… Good luck, you’ll be back up to speed before you know it! I know many people avoid senior centers for fear of being thought of as old, but people are going to think you are old anyway, if that is what you are!
I think sailboats and small babies are good for numbness and tingling, as are nice leisurely glasses of wine. I think it’s easier on the hands. Repeat until hands are better. After about 20 breaths, Yoga Exercises to Cure Numb Hands change the leg and repeat the exercise. Change the sides after about 30 seconds. We tend to forget that our bodies take time to change. At least you could do it standing up and give your sitting parts a change of pace. The symptoms of poor leg circulation are varied and also extend into other parts of the body. Treating the root cause is a good step towards minimizing symptoms and preventing complications of poor circulation. Good luck with the recovery. Don’t push yourself. Good luck with the spinning. You are in good company. I have one, and am normally in Ottawa but will be at the Toronto Zoo on Sunday and if you want not-boring you are more than welcome to join us, get baby snuggles, and see animals. Ditto biking gloves. There are more options available these days, but it’s not a one-size-fits -all solution. My son has pictures because I’m sitting there with my eyes closed, knitting away on a sock.
Sadly, in my experience, if I have an injury that prevents me from knitting it also prevents me from spinning (and vice versa). Have you tried bulky yarn and big needles yet, Steph? I don’t have nerve damage yet and my surgeon, when asked, said it was better to fix it before the nerve does show damage. Benign essential tremor is a nerve disorder that causes involuntary shaking or trembling. I’ve had ulnar nerve entrapment and it’s frickin’ awful. If you have poor leg circulation, it’s a sign that other areas of your body may lack the blood flow needed. This results in the blood not being able to flow back to the heart and the blood and fluid pooling in the leg veins. It is frakking horrible and results in an over indulgence of red wine and headaches. Step 1. Place wine glass on table. Step 2. Insert straw. Symptoms in your legs could be an indicator that you need medical attention.